Newborn Child Care: A Guide for New Parents
Congratulations! The wait is finally over, and you’re now holding a bundle of joy in your arms. It is the best feeling that nothing can ever come close to. But, this is just the first step of a very long journey.
From now, you will have to learn and figure out everything about newborn child care. We know, it isn’t easy at all. You are going to make mistakes. However, you will learn from them too.
So, to help make this journey a little more pleasant for you, we are going to be sharing few tips that will go a long way.
It is indeed overwhelming when you first become parents. There is a lot to deal with, and it is okay to ask or take help whenever you get some.
We will probably have to write a book to give you every single detail about newborn child care. So, to keep things short, we will talk about some of the most important aspects of newborn child care, that we hope will help you along the way
Newborn Child Care: Things That You Need to Know
Your child is always going to be either eating or sleeping. This is a given fact. So, it’s better to visit a lactation expert even before your child’s birth.
Lactation experts will teach you everything about feeding your child. As there may be a possibility that certain issues like low milk production, difficulties for the child latching on to the nipple, or even painful nursing may occur.
If your child is not eating, then he/she is most likely asleep. A newborn child sleeps about 16 hours a day, but only in short bursts.
And a major part of their growth occurs during a well-rested sleep. This means that you will be sleep deprived most of the times. It is ideal to sleep while the child sleeps.
If you are not a single parent, you can also take shifts with your partner so that you can catch up on your sleep. It’s essential that you stay fit and sane for your child’s well being too.
Prepare ahead of time:
There is one thing you will realize while you’re taking care of your child is that, they always come first. So, whatever your needs are, they are always going to be secondary.
It is advisable to plan and prepare for your day in advance and when you know that your child will be asleep. For instance, cook a meal for the day in advance and also freeze some for the future, ensure your one trip to the grocery will last you as long as possible, do your chores to as quickly as possible, and so on.
Ask for help:
It will be overwhelming to take care of your newborn while managing your day to day activities. And in times like these, there should be no shame in asking someone for their help or even accepting someone who’s lending a helping hand. This is the point in your life where any help will prove to be absolutely beneficial.
During the early stages of parenting, you will find it really tough to decipher why the child is crying. This will gradually fade over time as you and your child develop a far closer bond.
The most important thing to remember when trying to soothe a fussy newborn is to basically mimic the movements of the womb. You can do so by swinging, swaddling, shushing the child.
You can also play some calming tunes; that will not only soothe the child but also make him/her smarter. You could also comfortably warm your newborn’s things up, such as their diapers, as that too calms them.
Newborn children have to be swaddled. Swaddling is a method wherein the child is completely and comfortably wrapped in a cloth, to make them feel secure and cozy.
You can use blankets or other soft fabrics to restrict the movement of the child. There are also swaddling bands available these days for a tighter and firmer grip over the child’s limbs. This method helps restrict the child from rolling over to an accident-prone position.
According to The American Academy of Pediatrics, they recommend that the supine position is the best. This decreases the possibility of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
Divide all the work equally with your partner:
Again, if you are not a single parent, make sure all the duties and responsibilities of taking care of your newborn is divided equally between you and your partner. Not only is it great for the parent as it relieves them of some of the burdens, but also it gives the opportunity for the newborn to connect emotionally with your partner as well.
Staying mentally fit and sane:
It is a given that your whole life is going to take a 180 degree turn the minute your newborn comes into this world. For some parents, they find it very difficult to keep up with it and often find themselves in a pit of depression.
In times like these, it is crucial to seek help and not lose hope. Few methods by which you can avoid being depressed are by not setting your expectations up too high, avoiding the mountain of advice you will be getting from everyone. Ultimately, you are the parent, and you know what is best for your child.
Getting out with your baby:
After being cooped up in your house for so long, going out, that too along with your baby will be an alien concept to you initially. However, it is healthy for you as well as your child to step out.
Don’t be out too long initially, probably an hour or so for you and your child to get accustomed to the surroundings. It is also handy to have a diaper bag along with all other essential with you throughout.
Of course, there is a whole lot more you need to know for newborn child care, but we hope this brief list helps you, even in a little way, on your path to becoming a great parent.